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Medical Martial Law is Liberalism’s Final Capitulation

Published: May 19, 2020 | Print Friendly and PDF

Ode of a Liberal 7a6e4

Ode of a Liberal

They passed the USA PATRIOT Act---and I did nothing because I am a patriot.

They passed the USA Freedom Act---and I believe in freedom.

They nominated Hillary Clinton---and I voted for the lesser evil.

They declared medical marshal law---and I didn’t want to kill grandma.

They said to wear a facemask---and I passively obeyed.

I believe in Joe Biden---because I am a liberal.

In 2010 Chris Hedges declared the liberal class as dead as a doornail.  He was late.  Liberalism had died decades earlier.  All that remains is the separate components of the body of liberalism.  The stinking compounds have decomposed into identity politics.

The cause of death for the liberal class, as Chris Hedges tells us, was gullibility.  Liberals were foolish enough to believe that they could moderate capitalism.  They thought that they could change corporatism by elections, mass movements, whining and begging for incrementalism. 

The liberal class started their negotiations by compromising all of their ethics, beliefs, and powers.  All they got in return were scraps to identity politics.  The power elite did not give up anything it really care about.  The corporatists raped, pillaged and burned with abandon, while liberals wallowed in political correctness. 

Taxes for the rich are the lowest in over 100 years.  The military budget is the highest in history.  The concentration of wealth and income is in the fewest hands. US wars have killed millions of people, and war profits are booming.  Labor unions were neutered. Government is privatized.  The economy has been deindustrialized.  The police are militarized.  The working class has been disenfranchised.  The middle-class is being impoverished.  The poor are criminalized.  I could go on, but you get the point.

And what has the liberal class got in return?  Token integration.  Ending conscription.  Adulthood at 18 years of age.  Women in the workforce.  Acceptance of LGBTQ.  A black president.  The MeToo movement.  Legalized marijuana.  A $1200 bailout.  Help me out here---what else have the liberal class gotten in return for their soul?

Liberals elected Barack Obama, cried on his election night, and then the liberal class went to sleep for eight years.  They though that Obama would do the heavy lifting for them. Instead, he went from bombing three countries to bombing seven, after getting the Nobel Peace Prize for nothing.  He imprisoned and tortured whistleblowers, and he became the deporter-in-chief.  He bailed out the banks, and he did nothing as millions of families lost their homes.  Obamacare has been a bonanza for insurance companies and big-pharma.  Gitmo stands as the legacy of his droning wedding parties, funerals, and for all his other broken promises.  Obama is the reason we have Trump.    

The rich do not care about any of the identity politics and political correctness.  It costs them nothing to make those concessions.  The liberals are not willing to fight for anything of importance, and the corporatists know it.  The corporatists don’t care if Trump or Biden is president. 

Fugget about it:  Bernie Sanders is just a sheepdog, a foil, a professional wrestler, and Kabuki theater actor.  Bernie is the Senator from Lockheed and Israel.  He is a carnival huckster herding the liberal suckers into the big tent.   

The DNC will be happy to keep Trump.  They get to still keep their jobs, their power, their influence, and their gravy train keeps on rolling.  Nancy Pelosi will still get her kicks from gourmet chocolate ice-cream, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will keep making arm-waving rants to an empty House, Ilhan Omar will kowtow to the Zionist lobby, the Congressional Black Caucus will keep voting against blacks; and the banks, corporations, military-industrial complex, Israel, and the well-connected will continue to get unlimited hand-outs. 

Liberals will continue to happy listening to the Democrats’ politically correct platitudes.  Lest I forget, Rachel Maddow and her ilk in the media will still get paid $30 thousand a night to kick around Donald Trump.  And Liberals will commiserate with each other, blame everybody except themselves, and waste another four years without organizing an opposition party.

Medical marshal law reveals just how out of touch liberals are with common people.  Liberals have abandoned the working class, the poor, the incarcerated, the ghettoized, wage-slaves, the indebted, the bankrupt, veterans, the homeless, beggars, red-necks, slum dwellers, the uneducated, and old people surviving on three-figure Social Security checks.  All the liberal class whines about are Trump and their own selfish interests; the so-called middle-class issues.  They despise their natural allies among the people, look down on them as if they are riff raff. Liberals should be uplifting the downtrodden. 

Liberals naively believe the COVID-19 fearmongers. They begged the authoritarians for medical marshal law, and they have grown accustomed to their self-imposed imprisonment.  They would rather give up all of their civil liberties, and those of others, than to risk catching the flu.  The facemask is their badge of obedience, which does more medical and psychological harm to the body and mind.  The facemask is a nasty garb.  It provides the perfect environment for breeding and spreading germs.  Wearing a face mask is humiliating, because it is a symbol of passive submission.

What liberals can never be forgiven for is their abandonment of internationalism.   They have deserted international socialism, leaving socialist countries to be crushed by international capitalists.  While liberals cower-in-place in fear of COVID-19, their passiveness supports the medical blockades against socialist countries.  They are “Good Americans”, just like the Good Germans during the Third Reich. 

Two million Gazans have been forced to shelter in place by fascistic Israelis, since 2007.  Another three million Palestinians have been imprisoned since 1967 in an ever-shrinking isolated West Bank.  There are another 5 million Palestinian members of the diaspora, who cannot return to their homeland, as is their God-given human right.  Palestinian are tortured in Israeli concentration camps.  Liberals can not say they do not know, and their silence speaks volumes. 

Since World War Two the U.S. has killed an estimated 30 million people, none of whom were ever a threat to the US American people.  Ethically, morally and probably legally every US American is guilty of war crimes.  The German people were not let off the hook after WW2.  The US American people stand guilty, as charged.

Liberals know the U.S. government is a pathological liar.  The past two decades have been especially rich with its lies.  George W. Bush winning the election in 2000 was a lie.  The attacks of 9/11 were lies, the invasion of Afghanistan was based on a lie, Iraq weapons of mass destruction were a lie, Iran’s nuclear weapons program is a lie, the Katrina Hurricane response was a lie, the Russian invasion of Georgia was a lie, the 2009 bailout of the Wall Street was based on lies, the Ukraine coup was lied about, Gaddafi’s Viagra was a lie, the moderate rebels was a lie, the lie that Venezuela is a threat to the US is a lie, the White Helmets are a propaganda lie, Russiagate is a lie, the Douma chemical attack was a lie, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons report was a lie, the torture of Chelsea Manning is lied about, the Julian Assange lie is a lie.

So now we are supposed to believe that the government authorities are telling us the truth about COVID-19?  Liberals say that we should believe that lie too, and we should obey.  The first clue that the authorities were lying is that the banks, corporations and the well-connected were bailed out again.  Six-trillion U.S. dollars disappeared overnight.  The second clue was that the U.S. illegal wars of aggression did not stand-down.  There was no break in the illegal U.S. blockades against socialist countries. Instead, there is a campaign of maximum pressure during a pandemic.  The military’s Defender 2020 war-game invasion of Russia was not canceled due to COVID-19.  The power elite do not isolate, wear face masks, and practice social distancing.  We are not in it all together, and COVID-19 has not made us all equal.  Those memes are liberal pipedreams.     

There is no bailout for the people.  There has been no unified response to provide the people with adequate food, healthcare, housing, and financial relief during the imposed lockdown.  The physical, mental and emotional damages caused by isolation are being ignored.  The casualties caused by the medical marshal law goes unreported, if the statistics are even being kept. 

Instead what we see is the permanent stripping away of our civil liberties.  The economy is being restructured for the benefit of big-tech, and more concentration of income and wealth is going to the top.  Yet, liberals meekly accept the assault on the people in silence.  They could at least honk their car horns in solidarity with wage-slave workers.    

Are liberals going to show up when people are evicted from their homes, have their cars repossessed, and their wages garnished?  Are they going to stand in picket lines with workers, who are demanding fair wages?  Are liberals going to storm the state houses and Washington to demand a return to civilian government?  Are liberals going to resist forced vaccinations, contact tracking, snitching, and ID chipping?  Are they going to be standing up for civil liberties and human rights?  Or are they going to be with, and even begging, the corporatists on with their fiendish programs in the name of COVID-19?

Liberals have made “liberal” a dirty word.  Now they are trying to hide behind the identity of progressive.  There is nothing liberal or progressive about making bargains with the corporatists and the power elites.  It is time to bury the putrid body of the liberal class.  It has already become a biohazard more dangerous than COVID-19.



“Revolt will come from the right.  That the revolt will be funded, organized, and manipulated by the corporate forces is one of the tragic ironies.  But the blame lies with the liberal class.  Liberals, by standing for nothing, made possible the rise of inverted and perhaps soon classical totalitarianism.”--- The Death of the Liberal Class, by Chris Hedges, 2010.

*(Top image: U.S. Regime Has Killed 20-30 Million People since World War II”, Transcend Media Service)

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