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The Mask Is Off: WEF’s Klaus Schwab Declares China a ‘Role Model’

Published: November 25, 2022 | Print Friendly and PDF

Once upon a time, the Soviets had a tightly controlled network of internationalists known as the COMINTERN to promote their communist model to Europe and beyond.

As it stands now, the Red Chinese have gone them one better: They've got Klaus Schwab.

According to Fox News:

The mask is off: WEF's Klaus Schwab declares China a 'role model'


Once upon a time, the Soviets had a tightly controlled network of internationalists known as the COMINTERN to promote their communist model to Europe and beyond.

As it stands now, the Red Chinese have gone them one better: They've got Klaus Schwab.

According to Fox News:

World Economic Forum founder and Chair Klaus Schwab recently sat down for an interview with a Chinese state media outlet and proclaimed that China was a "role model" for other nations. 

Schwab, 84, made these comments during an interview with CGTN’s Tian Wei on the sidelines of last week’s APEC CEO Summit in Bangkok, Thailand. 

Schwab said he respected China’s "tremendous" achievements at modernizing its economy over the last 40 years. 

"I think it’s a role model for many countries," Schwab said, before qualifying that he thinks each country should make its own decisions about what system it wants to adapt. 

"I think we should be very careful in imposing systems. But the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries," Schwab said. 

A role model? A country of zero freedom, low social mobility, social credit scores, and constant government surveillance? Who the heck, even among the revolutionary wokester crowd, is openly calling for a Chinese model for their own countries?

China in fact is a giant prison, complete with slave labor, sweatshops, low wages, continuous lockdowns and actual laogai, or Gulags. Challenge the government in any way and you'll be packed off to one for years upon years in no time. In the case of the Uighurs, just being the wrong nationality is enough for such punishment.

Far from being an attractive role model, China is a country people flee from. In 2019, by China's own statistics, 11 million have gotten the heck out and moved to other countries just to get away from it, with about a third coming to the U.S. China has the third-highest global emigration rate after India and Mexico, and we all know what's next to Mexico on its north side is what's bringing them. It's largely the same with China.

Schwab, who's a canny operator, knew that his China-love would go down well with the Chinese state journalist-propagandists, but wouldn't sound too good to anyone else hearing the statement, so he qualified it with claims that every nation should get to choose its path of governance. That rings hollow, given that the system he's advocating for the West explicitly requires a party elite to do all the choosing for the people they rule over with an iron fist. As for China itself, well, did the Chinese get to choose the horrid system they lives under? Nope, in 1948, Mao Zedong, aided by, surprise, the COMINTERN, shot his way into power and imposed the brutal regime onto China by force, where it has been in power ever since.

Seems the old COMINTERN always gets the last laugh. Because who would have imagined that by 2023, that the chief of the World Economic Forum, son of a man with at least some Nazi ties, is out shilling the China model as Mr. Respectability, using the prestige of his international organization as credibility to influence Big Corporate and various activists and NGOs who have completely succumbed to the views of the left.

This organization should be dismissed as the shill of a filthy dictatorship but somehow, with all those nice mountains and good food and good private jet airports out there in Switzerland, where most of the WEF's exclusive and pricey billionaire-filled meetings are held in all that aroma of money, it's not. 

Schwab's organization has infiltrated industry, sometimes with actual monetary interests, influenced many others to adapt "stakeholder capitalism" which is Schwabs pet project, and influenced others to adapt to something called the global "reset." Naturally, they are all in for the government control brought on by the "threat" of global warming, which is completely bogus. Any questions as to why corporations have gotten so woke? Seems it's all about those fancy banquets and talkfests out there in Davos, Switzerland. Right now, Schwab is muscling the Swiss government for fancier accommodations, while paying no taxes to them, with the threat of taking his show to Singapore if they don't. (See the 'Criticism' section of his Wikipedia page at the bottom). Sound like a guy who intends to just talk and try to persuade about the virtues of China?

 As for Schwab's Nazi ties, they likely aren't as strong as some claim on the Internet, but they are bad enough: Based on what Wikipedia says, Schwab's Swiss dad ran a company in Nazi Germany that used slave and forced labor, which pretty well tells what side he was on. Even if such a company had not, the Nazis would hardly have had him in charge of any company if they didn't trust him completely as fascism is all about state rule of corporations. On his Wikipedia page, it is said that Schwab's mother was surveilled and questioned by the Gestapo because of her Swiss accent. That the Nazis didn't do that to the dad, who was running a Nazi-ruled company, kind of tells us the Gestapo didn't consider him a problem.

Seems the old Nazi values of corporatism and "reset" may have rubbed off on Klaus, who's 83, if such an argument can be made. People can't control who their parents were, but if old dad was indeed was pals with the Nazis, maybe it would be imperative to not adopt any of those particular ideas, let alone advocate for them.

But sure enough, Schwab is now advocating for corporate and state control of all the free nations of the West, which hold little distinction from what the Nazis and its communist allies (read: COMINTERN) have sought for decades for the West. The urge to kill freedom lives large in this bunch.

Now they aren't even trying to hide it -- they are out openly praising the communist China model and advocating for its imposition, qualified by choice (as if with rigged elections, choice were relevant) as if nothing was wrong with it. The mask on these people, indeed, is off.

orld Economic Forum founder and Chair Klaus Schwab recently sat down for an interview with a Chinese state media outlet and proclaimed that China was a "role model" for other nations. 

Schwab, 84, made these comments during an interview with CGTN’s Tian Wei on the sidelines of last week’s APEC CEO Summit in Bangkok, Thailand. 

Schwab said he respected China’s "tremendous" achievements at modernizing its economy over the last 40 years. 

"I think it’s a role model for many countries," Schwab said, before qualifying that he thinks each country should make its own decisions about what system it wants to adapt. 

"I think we should be very careful in imposing systems. But the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries," Schwab said. 

A role model? A country of zero freedom, low social mobility, social credit scores, and constant government surveillance? Who the heck, even among the revolutionary wokester crowd, is openly calling for a Chinese model for their own countries?

China in fact is a giant prison, complete with slave labor, sweatshops, low wages, continuous lockdowns and actual laogai, or Gulags. Challenge the government in any way and you'll be packed off to one for years upon years in no time. In the case of the Uighurs, just being the wrong nationality is enough for such punishment.

Far from being an attractive role model, China is a country people flee from. In 2019, by China's own statistics, 11 million have gotten the heck out and moved to other countries just to get away from it, with about a third coming to the U.S. China has the third-highest global emigration rate after India and Mexico, and we all know what's next to Mexico on its north side is what's bringing them. It's largely the same with China.

Schwab, who's a canny operator, knew that his China-love would go down well with the Chinese state journalist-propagandists, but wouldn't sound too good to anyone else hearing the statement, so he qualified it with claims that every nation should get to choose its path of governance. That rings hollow, given that the system he's advocating for the West explicitly requires a party elite to do all the choosing for the people they rule over with an iron fist. As for China itself, well, did the Chinese get to choose the horrid system they lives under? Nope, in 1948, Mao Zedong, aided by, surprise, the COMINTERN, shot his way into power and imposed the brutal regime onto China by force, where it has been in power ever since.

Seems the old COMINTERN always gets the last laugh. Because who would have imagined that by 2023, that the chief of the World Economic Forum, son of a man with at least some Nazi ties, is out shilling the China model as Mr. Respectability, using the prestige of his international organization as credibility to influence Big Corporate and various activists and NGOs who have completely succumbed to the views of the left.

This organization should be dismissed as the shill of a filthy dictatorship but somehow, with all those nice mountains and good food and good private jet airports out there in Switzerland, where most of the WEF's exclusive and pricey billionaire-filled meetings are held in all that aroma of money, it's not. 

Schwab's organization has infiltrated industry, sometimes with actual monetary interests, influenced many others to adapt "stakeholder capitalism" which is Schwabs pet project, and influenced others to adapt to something called the global "reset." Naturally, they are all in for the government control brought on by the "threat" of global warming, which is completely bogus. Any questions as to why corporations have gotten so woke? Seems it's all about those fancy banquets and talkfests out there in Davos, Switzerland. Right now, Schwab is muscling the Swiss government for fancier accommodations, while paying no taxes to them, with the threat of taking his show to Singapore if they don't. (See the 'Criticism' section of his Wikipedia page at the bottom). Sound like a guy who intends to just talk and try to persuade about the virtues of China?

 As for Schwab's Nazi ties, they likely aren't as strong as some claim on the Internet, but they are bad enough: Based on what Wikipedia says, Schwab's Swiss dad ran a company in Nazi Germany that used slave and forced labor, which pretty well tells what side he was on. Even if such a company had not, the Nazis would hardly have had him in charge of any company if they didn't trust him completely as fascism is all about state rule of corporations. On his Wikipedia page, it is said that Schwab's mother was surveilled and questioned by the Gestapo because of her Swiss accent. That the Nazis didn't do that to the dad, who was running a Nazi-ruled company, kind of tells us the Gestapo didn't consider him a problem.

Seems the old Nazi values of corporatism and "reset" may have rubbed off on Klaus, who's 83, if such an argument can be made. People can't control who their parents were, but if old dad was indeed was pals with the Nazis, maybe it would be imperative to not adopt any of those particular ideas, let alone advocate for them.

But sure enough, Schwab is now advocating for corporate and state control of all the free nations of the West, which hold little distinction from what the Nazis and its communist allies (read: COMINTERN) have sought for decades for the West. The urge to kill freedom lives large in this bunch.

Now they aren't even trying to hide it -- they are out openly praising the communist China model and advocating for its imposition, qualified by choice (as if with rigged elections, choice were relevant) as if nothing was wrong with it. The mask on these people, indeed, is off.

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