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The Names & Faces of the 150 Bilderbergers Who Manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic Response

Published: January 4, 2024 | Print Friendly and PDF

Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1,861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the Covid-19 event. Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to name and shame them and reveal the roles they have played.

Bilderberg/2021 by Wikispooks

Bilderberg 2021 Wikispooks
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Index for Wikispooks’ page

It is unknown whether a 2021 Bilderberg Meeting was held; the group’s website stated that it “had to be cancelled, due to travel and meeting restrictions.”[1] Of the 1861 living Bilderbergers, over 140, listed below, have played significant roles in managing the COVID-19 event: Many of those listed below are also on the list of COVID-19 WEF perpetrators.

Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the COVID-19 event.

Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to list them under the most important played. Steering committee members (both present and former) are underlined.

The Bilderberg meetings have discussed several plans for a total change of the world system, here is one discussed in 2019, Date: June 2021, Perpetrators: Bilderberg/Steering committee, Description: The 2021 Bilderberg is an unknown quantity. This page highlights the involvement of over 140 Bilderbergers in the COVID-19 event.

Virus R & D


See Wikispoooks’ full article: COVID-19/Origins

A lot of evidence suggests that SARS-CoV2 did not occur naturally, but was genetically manipulated from a naturally occurring bat coronavirus and possibly parts of additional viruses [2]. Bilderberg members have done important work in developing the CRISPR gene editing technique:

Bernard Cazeneuve – 2018 – In 2017 attended the founding ceremony of the BSL-4 lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, together with Yves Lévy, whose wife abruptly banned over-the-counter sales of hydroxychloroquine in France in January 2020,[3] declaring it “poisonous” without explanation.[4][5]

Emmanuelle Charpentier – 2016 – Pioneered CRISPR as a tool for genome editing (for which she was co-recipient of a Nobel prize in 2020)

Sean Parker – 2010 – Billionaire who was the first to gain NIH approval for a trial of CRISPR [6]

Pandemic Planning


See Wikispooks’ full article: Pandemic/Planning

Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks, held in February 2020 before the Munich Security Conference, attended by three veteran Bilderberger pandemic planners: Gro Harlem Brundtland, Sam Nunn and Avril Haines

Many Bilderbergers have worked repeatedly at Pandemic Planning; the group has been well represented at such exercises for at least 20 years.[7] Those with the most obvious ties:

  • Gro Harlem Brundtland – 1982, 1983, introduced A Spreading Plague (2019 Pandemic planning exercise), and attended Atlantic Storm, and the February 2020 Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks exercise

  • Avril Haines – 2017 – US Deep State actor who participated in Event 201 and the February 2020 Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks exercises. Deputy Director of the CIA 2013-15, Director of National Intelligence since 2021

  • Sam Nunn – 1997, 1996 – Long experience in pandemic planning, Operation Dark Winter, A Spreading Plague, the February 2020 Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks exercise

  • Judith Rodin – 2005 – As President of the Rockefeller Foundation took part in the Lock Step exercise which foresaw a pandemic as the means by which a techno totalitarian government might unfold.

Judith Rodin took part in the 2010 Lock Step exercise about using a pandemic to usher in high-tech totalitarianism

Task Forces


See Wikispooks’ full article: COVID-19 Task Force

In Spring 2020, many nation states formed COVID-19 Task Forces, many of which had, or acted as if they had, “state of emergency” powers to override standard operating procedure.

National Task Forces

  • Vittorio Colao – 2018 – Leader of a special task force to handle “Phase 2” of the Italian Covid Task Force

  • Christopher Liddell – 2017 – Member of Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force

  • Matthew Pottinger – 2019 – Member of Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force. His wife Yen Pottinger was explaining the importance of social distancing in mid-March 2020[8]

  • Kathleen Sebelius – 2008, 2007 – Member of Biden’s White House Coronavirus Task Force [9] and a board member of the Kaiser Family Foundation [10]

  • Jeffrey Zients – 2017 – Became White House coronavirus coordinator in 2021,[11] announced in August that year that “it’s time to impose some requirements” where COVID jabs are concerned.[12]

Mark Carney, Tri-national, quad-Bilderberger, Governor of the Bank of England until March 2020, when he became an “informal adviser” to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
  • Mark Carney – 2019, 2018, 2012, 2011 – “acting as an informal adviser to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.”[13]

  • Andrew Liveris – 2012 – Ex Dow CEO and Member of the Board of Citigroup, “Special Adviser” to the Australia/National COVID-19 Coordination Commission [14]



Other significant institutions have appointed Bilderbergers to their Covid or pandemic groups:

Jeffrey Sachs, who was made chair of the Lancet Commission on COVID-19 after Peter Daszak recused himself.
  • Oliver Bäte – 2017 – Bavaria’s COVID-19 Economic Advisory Council member who made various alarmist statements about the virus, such as comparing it to a “worldwide meteor impact” or the explosion of a nuclear power station.[15]

  • Laurence Boone – 2015 – A Commissioner of the Lancet Commission on COVID-19[16] – As the Global Economic Forum’s chief economist, advising about the economic response to COVID-19[17][18]

  • Sylvia Burwell – 2018 – Co-chair of the Council on Foreign Relations’ “Independent Task Force on Improving Pandemic Preparedness

  • Mitchell Daniels – 2012 – Member of the Council on Foreign Relations’ “Independent Task Force on Improving Pandemic Preparedness”

  • Joe Kaeser – 2016,2015 – Appointed to Bavaria’s COVID-19 Economic Advisory Council (as Siemens CEO) by Markus Söder

  • Paul Polman – 2012 – Member of The Lancet’s COVID-19 commission.[19]

  • Olli Rehn – 2007 – As Governor of Bank of Finland, in 2021 became chair of FIFA’s COVID-19 Relief Plan steering committee.[20], published about “Monetary policy in the emerging post-pandemic context”[21]

  • Jeffrey Sachs – 1990 – Chaired the Lancet‘s COVID-19 commission.[22][23]

  • Tidjane Thiam – 2019, 2013 – One of the four African Union’s COVID-19 Special Envoys [24]

  • Philip Zelikow – 2007, 2006 – Drafter of the 9/11 Commission Report,[25] appointed to lead the University of Virginia’s COVID Commission Planning Group [26]

Social change


The “response” to COVID-19 was a sweeping set of social changes enforced by fiat, having minimal scientific justification, if any. They directly contradicted best practices up to 2020.

  • Stefan Löfven – 2013 – As Swedish PM, managed the Swedish Covid measures.[27]

  • Mary Ann Sieghart – 2001 – Presented Fallout on BBC Radio 4, a series about the possible outcomes of the Coronavirus.[28][29]



See Wikispooks’ full article: COVID-19/Lockdown

A WEF tweet which was quickly deleted after it raised criticism.

Most nation states decreed what was termed a “lockdown”, i.e., a drastic restriction of freedom of movement. This was in opposition to the 2019 WHO best practice guide for pandemics, which specifically advised against this practice. As of Summer 2021, there is little scientific evidence that these measures had any measurable impact on the spread of COVID-19, but this claim remains part of the COVID-19 official narrative.

  • Alberto Alesina – 2018 – “Strongly agreed” in March 2020 with all 3 points of the Bilderberg consensus Lockdown policy, with a high degree of confidence.[30] Died in May 2020, aged 63.

  • Cathy Berx – 2018 – Governor of Antwerp who oversaw the introduction of lockdown and curfew measures in Antwerp in July 2020.[31]

  • Stefano Feltri – 2019 – Italian journalist who wrote supporting the official narrative, that lockdowns were “inevitable”[32]

  • Demis Hassabis – 2018, 2016, 2015 – Dialed into a meeting of SAGE which promoted the UK COVID Lockdown.

  • Sauli Niinistö – 1997 – As President of Finland uncritically wrote of “the need for strict, short-term restrictive measures…” and was similarly uncritical about the need for a fast rollout of “vaccines”[33]

  • Bill Morneau – 2017, 2016 – as Canadian Finance Minister in 2020 “approved the spending of nearly $200 billion in federal aid in a deliberate effort to shut down huge portions of Canadian society”[34]

  • Norbert Röttgen – 2014 – As chair of the CDU he was promoting the German Covid lockdowns [35]

  • Erna Solberg – 2011 – Norwegian PM who led the national lockdowns. Directed billions of dollars to international vaccine programs (GAVI etc)

Furlough Schemes

  • György Surányi – 1999, 1997, 1996 – Wrote a long essay in April 2020 suggesting the Hungarian government pay targeted subsidies to those who lose their jobs due to lockdowns.[36]


  • Carlo Ratti – 2014 – Architect who published about Reimagining the Office [37]

  • Frans Timmermans – 2008 – Co-Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age, Vice-President of the European Commission, took many opportunities to opine on “Which world do we want after COVID-19?”[38]

  • Margrethe Vestager – 2014 – Co-Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age



See Wikispooks’ full article: Mask

Bain & Company’s instructions on how workplaces should change due to COVID-19.
  • Dianne Feinstein – 1991 – In July 2020 proposed withholding COVID-19 relief from states without mask mandates.[39] Both she and her husband sold stock in Allogene Therapeutics in 2021 before the lockdowns.[40][41]

Social distancing


See Wikispooks’ full article: Social distancing

  • Susan Athey – 2013 – With Dean Karlan, published How to practice social distancing while helping the economy in the Washington Post [42]

  • Orit Gadiesh – 1998, 1997 – Chair of Bain & Company, which was closely involved in directing government policy in various nations. In France, it was entrusted by the government to steer the country’s Covid testing strategy.[43] On 29 April 2020, it put out a guide describing how workplaces should change due to COVID-19.[44]

Track and Trace


See Wikispooks’ full article: Mass surveillance

  • Louise Arbour – 2019 – In 2020 made Honorary President of COVI Canada, which released the COVI application.[45][46]

  • Dido Harding – 2016 – Placed in charge of producing the NHSX app for Covid

Controlling the Narrative

George Soros, of The Good Club, is suspected to have been controlling the narrative through groups such as BLM
  • William Joseph Burns – 2016-2015 – Career diplomat CIA Director from March 2021, ensured that the U.S. intelligence community does not know the origins of COVID-19[47]

  • Regina Dugan – 2015 – DARPA, Facebook, Google, “The global pandemic is our generation’s Sputnik”, CEO of Wellcome Trust

  • Henry Kissinger – 2019-2010, 2008-1994, 1992-1980, 1978, 1977, 1971, 1964, 1957 October, 1957 February – Arch-Bilderberger deep politician, numerous influential public pronouncements on COVID-19

  • Ivan Krastev – 2019 – Published various articles about COVID-19’s social impact from March 2020[48] onwards [49] and wrote Is It Tomorrow Yet? Paradoxes of the Pandemic

  • Charles Michel – 2018, 2016, 2015 – As President of the European Council, in December 2020 he proposed an international treaty on pandemics.[50]

  • George Soros – 2002, 2000, 1996, 1994, 1990 – The Good Club, the influence of BLM to control the narrative in 2020[51]

  • Sidney Taurel – 2007 – Chair of Pearson which “implement[ed] new health and safety principles” and “launched an online community for our people to connect, share stories and support each other”,[52] chair emeritus of Eli Lilly which produced bamlanivimab.[53]

  • Fareed Zakaria – 2005, 2003 – Journalist who wrote Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World [54]


  • Senem Aydın-Düzgit – 2016 – Professor of International Relations, published multiple papers on COVID and governance, some co-authored with Fuat Keyman

  • Fuat Keyman – 2012 – Professor of International Relations and Vice President at Sabancı University, published multiple papers on COVID and governance, some co-authored with Senem Aydın-Düzgit

  • James Orbinksi – 2011 – Developed the COVID-19 Global Health Portal. [55] Also published various research about COVID-19 [56][57]

  • Ole Petter Ottersen – 2011 – Presented at the July 2020 International Symposium on Novel Ideas in Science and Ethics of Vaccines Against Covid-19 Pandemic,[58] published research on Addressing production gaps for vaccines in African countries

  • Arild Underdal – 2004 – Editing academic research about COVID-19[59][60][61]

  • James Vaupel – 2011 – Edited and co-authored academic research about COVID-19,[62] on topics such as the death toll in Sweden after their refusal to instigate widespread lockdowns.[63][64][65]

Big media


The non-reporting of Bilderberg by TV or newspapers reveals that the group has considerable control of big media, which was mobilised to support the official narrative.

  • Juan Luis Cebrián – 2018-2001, 1993, 1990-1987, 1985, 1983- Billionaire, media mogul, one of the ten most influential Spaniards in Spain and Latin America for 44 years (from 1976 to 2019).

  • Andrew Coyne – 2015 – Canadian columnist and aggressive pusher of the COVID official narrative. e.g., He dismissed the Great Reset as a “conspiracy theory”, and in December 2021 headlined an article Is the case for vaccine mandates like the case for seatbelt laws? No, it’s much, much stronger [66]

  • Mathias Döpfner – 2019-2014, 2007-2005 – Billionaire, Axel Springer Publishing House/CEO

  • Felix Gutzwiller – 2013 – On Swiss TV in March 2020 answering public questions about COVID-19 [67]

  • François Lenglet – 2017 – French editor who in March 2021 termed vaccine passports “the best recovery instrument available” [68]

Promoting panic


See Wikispooks’ full article: COVID-19/Panic

In March 2020 Shiraz Maher wrote a first-hand account of his mild case of COVID-19.

Commercially-controlled media’s coverage of COVID-19 was a more-or-less monotone echo of the fear-driven official narrative, while calmer, more scientific voices “were never invited to the expert table”, as the editor of Bild admitted in August 2021.[69]

  • Shiraz Maher – 2015 – A “Terror expert” who reportedly had a case of COVID-19 which was “classified as “mild” by British health authorities”. Maher wrote a “horrifying account of his experience with COVID-19” which was picked up by the commercially-controlled media after it “went viral” on Twitter.[70]

  • John Micklethwait – 2019-2009, 2007 – Co-authored The Wake-Up Call with Adrian Wooldridge. A promotional article, How the West was lost, concluded “For all its awfulness, the Covid-19 pandemic is an alarm call… It’s not too late to wake up to the fact that the West is losing its pre-eminence. We still have time to repair the damage. But we don’t have that much time — and the Eastern world is forging ahead while we are still dithering. Whatever we do, we cannot afford to hit the snooze button.”[71]

  • Kenneth Rogoff – 2012 – Former IMF economist whose dire predictions in early 2020 were widely reported in commercially-controlled media.[72] Also predicted that COVID would speed the move away from cash [73]

  • Beppe Severgnini – 2017 – Italian editor/journalist who reported from north Italy in March 2020, stating in April 2020 that “a whole generation is being wiped out”.

  • Jacob Wallenberg – 2016-2000, 1998 – Issued dire warnings of social unrest in March 2020 reported by commercially-controlled media [76][77]

From “business expert” Jacob Wallenberg, a third-generation Bilderberger.
  • Adrian Wooldridge – 2012-2004, 2002-1998 – Co-authored The Wake-Up Call with John Micklethwait.

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