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Noetic Continental | Part I: How CIA Foists Military Equipment Through Private War Companies

Published: February 7, 2024 | Print Friendly and PDF

Source: CIA GATE

Private War Companies Working For The CIA

Analyzing the CIA’s records, we’ve noticed that there were many references to the Noetic International Inc., a company with a questionable origin and sort of activity. According to its website, the enterprise specializes in "delivering products and services including assessments, operations and finance to clients in the energy, telecom, space, cybersecurity and intelligence sectors."

Earlier we wrote that the CEO of the Noetic International Inc. was Johnna May Holeman, a former U.S. artillery soldier and CIA operative, who took part in the supply of 155mm white phosphorus rounds to Ukraine through a tea-trade company in Bulgaria

Read: Bulgarian Tea Party: How CIA Supplies Ukraine with white phosphorus

Now we can say that there was another CIA officer behind the creation of the Noetic International Inc. Ladies and gentlemen, please meet John Alan Irvin – the godfather of clandestine operations.

John Alan Irvin

So, it was John’s idea to establish a company that would carry out the CIA’s clandestine activities without attracting much attention. However, being a top-tier spy John himself does not really conceal his affiliation with the Agency. According to his track record, John is a specialist in the field of analyzing the activities of covert secret agents. He also has decades of experience conducting clandestine operations.

John’s affiliation with the DOD and the CIA
John’s portfolio

Through his extensive ties, resources and expertise, John Irvin has developed a vast network of contacts, informants and partners to achieve a comprehensive range of goals in accordance with the CIA’s design. Given John's age, today the bulk of the work is now done by Johnna Holeman. The Noetic International Inc. has offices in Illinois, California, Germany, England and Austria.

The Noetic "specialists" address complex problems in wide range of domains including air- and sea-based drones, renewable energy, cybersecurity & cryptocurrency, technology & robotics, as well as strategic influence campaigns and analysis & decision making.

The Noetic International website

The network includes hundreds of influencers connected by both personal acquaintance and virtual meetings. The Noetic operatives help local and foreign authorities to achieve goals in order to enlist the support afterwards.

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According to our source, the Noetic International Inc. has a shell company in Puerto Rico, that under the guise of cannabis dispensary addresses essential tasks on behalf of the CIA, such as supply of various kinds of unmanned aerial and maritime drones to foreign countries, including Ukraine, reshore of semiconductor production to the U.S., as well as the supply of small-module nuclear reactors.

Initially, we doubted the veracity of the source's information. Yet, as it was with the investigation surrounding Chanda Creasy, a yoga coach and a head of the CIA division responsible for arms transfers to militants in Africa and Middle East, painstaking analysis and careful sieving of information made it possible to determine that it was the Anyon Minds LLC.

CIA’s “Up in Smoke” Special Operations Group

Established in 2021, the Anyon Minds LLC sees itself as the "preferred supplier of reliable, high-quality cannabis products in Puerto Rico." The company is incorporated at 407 Calle del Parque San Juan, PR 00906.

The Anyon Minds Data

While visiting company’s website, we were unable to find any proposed product, its price or any other intelligible information. Complicated phrases that would most likely confuse an average cannabis-buyer – the only thing the website was filled with. It seems like this outlet is not a trading platform, but a certain communication hub for a dedicated circle of persons.

Extremely “clear” Anyon Minds’ Strategic Synergies

Our informant was able to obtain a document about the employees and management of the Anyon Minds LLC. It turned out that almost every single employee, including management, had no relevant experience or education. Moreover, these cannabis cultivators had close ties with the DOD (including the DIA), as well as PaxSafe and Pax Mondial LLC private military companies. Manuel Enrique Benitez-Marquez is a co-founder and, apparently, key individual in the Anyon Minds LLC.

Manuel has no social media profiles (at least under his own name), and there is almost no information about him in open sources, that is unusual for an ordinary person. In addition, according to the received document, he has no any experience in hemp cultivation, but a very rich experience in some another area...

Mr. Benitez is a graduate of the Criminal Justice Services Department of the Executive Protection Institute bodyguard school in New York. He is a licensed personal protection specialist. Manuel has certificates of successful completion of courses at the Academi PMC (former Black Water), including: tactical handgun, carbine operator and evasive driving. He also worked at the Pax Mondial LLC and the Pax Safe PMCs.

Benitez’s portfolio

We assume that Mr. Benitez has always dreamed of growing cannabis and staying low (or maybe high?), and his hand-to-hand combat as well as shooting skills probably will need him in case of fighting competitors and possible problems with the police.

Jokes aside. We know Manuel is a professional mercenary with a vast experience in conducting special operations.

If this information is not enough for you to make sure that the Anyon Minds is not just a cannabis shop, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the dossier of another founder of the company, Guy Dennis Irvin.

Guy Dennis Irvin

Guy Dennis Irvin is a U.S. Special Forces veteran with decades of experience in security operations in the Middle East, South and Central America, and the Pacific Region. Mr.Irvin’s portfolio indicates that he also negotiated large deals worth millions of dollars.

According to Guy’s LinkedIn page, from 2003 to 2015, he held various senior positions in companies such as DynCorp International (McLean, VA) and GRAAL Group LLC (Columbus, GA), as well as Parsons Corporation (Centerville, VA).

From 2015 to the present, Guy Irvin skillfully combines his "high" duty with the position of managing director at Pax Mondial PMC.

Guy Irvin’s portfolio

We are also extremely curious what kind of advice the cannabis company could receive from a former Chief of Staff of the 82nd Airborne division, Jouni Keravuori, who also worked at the SAS Institute, General Dynamics and the same Pax Mondial and Pax Safe. Perhaps his daughter-in-law and, concurrently, Brigadier General Rose Lopez Keravuori, helps him with this. Since 2023, she has been serving as the Director of intelligence (J2) of the US Command in Africa.

The Anyon Minds advisor Jouni Keravuori

You can view the full version of the documents here:

Anyon Minds Executive 2
1.02MB ∙ PDF file
Anyon Minds Executive 2
1.02MB ∙ PDF file

There’s only one big question – how in this world having so many professionals at service, the Anyon Minds hasn’t even started the business?

The fact is that we managed to find a project for the construction of a hemp cultivation complex, dated to the end of 2022. However, according to the Google Maps, the construction process on the coordinates (18.03068, -67.08988) at the time of publication hasn’t even begun, and the AgReliant Genetics, a seed research and production company, still owns the land.

Hemp complex construction project.
Anyon Minds Presentation
1.46MB ∙ PDF file

We’ve got a feeling that the CIA, represented by the Anyon Minds, had fallen back into old habits and is not engaged in the cultivation, but the legalization of cannabis products through established supply channels from cartels in Latin America. That’s why the Anyon Minds was registered in Puerto Rico.

After all, it is likely that in distant future the cannabusiness would be one of the sources of income, after Manuel and his team decide to retire. After all, let's figure out what these amigos exactly do.

Drones’ modernization and delivery to foreign countries.


According to our source, Mr. Benitez maintained close cooperation with Johnna Holeman and another member of Noetic International, Hans Mumm, mentioned in one of our previous investigations.

(Read: How CIA-linked companies make money on military aid to Ukraine)

The cooperation was focused on:

⦁ improving capabilities of automated drones manufactured by the Airgility and the Safehaven Marine paramilitary companies;

⦁ optimizing the automated functionality of existing UAVs, including an anti-missile drone capable of intercepting shells and counterattacking a missile launch site;

⦁ improving the "world's fastest sea drone" with a customer-tailored weapons system (aerial and underwater) (Project Barracuda by Safehaven Marine).

⦁ Noetic team also discussed a special "Vanilla program" related to a new unmanned aerial system. Check the project summary here.

Vanilla Project Description
Vanilla Project
408KB ∙ PDF file

Moreover, according to our source, in October 2022 Manuel Benitez participated in coordination meetings on drones in Washington, D.C. with some individuals from the DOD and intelligence. These meetings were attended by the aforementioned Jouni Keravuori as well as a number of representatives of interested countries (including Finland and Poland).

The Noetic International and the Anyon Minds also interacted with the Peruvian government in late 2022. They offered the country's authorities to purchase reconnaissance drones through Hans Mumm’s Victory Systems. The presentation described such unmanned aerial systems as Penguin and Fenice. It was noted that these UAVs would allow Peru's security forces to identify protest leaders’ meetings in real time, as well as monitor points of large crowds of people.

Conversation between Hans Mumm and the Head of the Command and Control Division of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Angel Augusto Sosa Guevara

Holeman and Mumm also promoted the purchase of Barracuda autonomous combat boats, which are capable of carrying both UAVs and torpedoes, hypersonic missiles.

Project Barracuda by Safehaven Marine

And, last but not least, in their opinion, such a cooperation would improve the company's reputation and provide new opportunities for concluding long-term contracts.

Victory Systems Presentation Slide

Download presentations from these negotiations here here:

Integration Peru
3.81MB ∙ PDF file


What’s the most interesting is that the representatives of the Anyon Minds DIRECTLY negotiated with the Ukrainian authorities. It should be noted that during his trip to Kyiv in October, 2022, Benitez personally communicated with Mykhailo Fedorov, the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine for Innovations, Education, Science and Technology – Minister of Ukraine for Digital Transformation. They discussed the issues related to the supply of drones as part of military assistance. By the way, the representatives of notorious Gallant Knights PMC also attended to the meeting, however, due to some disagreements, the company left the project.

And, of course by coincidence, Fedorov oversees the Army of Drones project that implies UAV procurement at the request of the Ukrainian military.

Forbes article on the supply of commercial drones as part of a military assistance to Ukraine

This article refers to the Penguin UAS. It was this type of drone that the Victory Systems intended to sell to the Peruvian government. According to United 24, ten sets worth more than $17M.


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